Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Monkey island

We returned to the lodge for 7:30 AM breakfast. Then we got in the boat at 8:30 AM to go to Monkey Island.
This is a refuge for monkeys because they are endangered due to being hunted by the tribes. ESpecially after the big flood of May 2012 which was the highest water ever. Many people lost their food supplies and this causes huge problems for the animal populations as they do more hunting.
They have rescued these monkeys from the black market trade. They are usually in very bad shape physically and are mostly orphaned babies that are being smuggled. They give them milk and medicines to help them survive. There are about 35 monkeys living right around the center and about 150 living in the wilds on their own on this island. Some are very tame, others are not. We walked around the island and heard monkeys but didn't see many in the wild part. They have planted lots of fruits and food sources on this island for the monkeys and some of this was destroyed in the flood.
The goal is to repopulate the monkey into natural habitat.
Varieties: spider, tamarinds, howler, Wooley, titi

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